Reverse Engineer Bogie Frame


V/Line / Bombardier Transportation


Castech was tasked to reverse engineer, improve and manufacture the client’s bogie frame. With no existing drawings or specifications to review or analyse, we were required to work with the original frame to manufacture replacements for their fleet of passenger cars.


The project consisted of:
• 900 hours of 3D scanning and drafting
• Selection, audit and qualification of a suitable manufacturing partner to produce the new frames
• Training and guidance to improve foundry practises and ensure the latest technology was utilised
• Computer modelled casting simulations
• 3,000 hours of pattern manufacture
• Approximately 190,000 kg total project weight
• Intensive in-house metallurgical analysis, inspections, testing and product qualification


64 bogie frames, bogie bolsters and spring plank sets were produced on-time to the client’s satisfaction.


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